releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Nathan Wanlass (NWWanlass)
United States - Utah - Orem
415 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
09-Mar-2025 04:55
Will trade cards:
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User Bio
Introduced to Magic by friends in late 1993.  I've played off and on, over the years.  -- Now I'm teaching my kids.

I collect Boros (Red/White) cards.  Aiming for a playset of each card, with a foil as the placeholder in my 'Boros' binder.  ***Cards I still need are on my Wishlist.

Unless it's seriously in my favor or I propose the trade, I'm not trading for the current block, high value cards.

If the cards I'm sending exceeds $25 then I'll ship with tracking, otherwise they'll be secured in a plain white envelope.

If you have a Paypal account get better shipping prices here:

If you have under 10 trades, I'll expect you to send first.

Happy Trading!
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