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Dylan (NoGameTime)
United States
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Last seen online:
12-Jun-2019 10:36
Will trade cards:
User Bio
I just started trading on this site, but I've got plenty of refs on Pucatrade and on Facebook. I'm NoGameTime on Pucatrade as well.

I'll always send out in a padded mailer and I use tracking for anything greater than 30 dollars free of charge.

So I'm assuming this is where I write something about my time with magic.

I started playing in Journey to Nyx, but my dad played back in the good old days. He got me into it when I found his old cards and I was hooked since. Never found any power but so it goes.

I currently play Eldrazi in Legacy and I'm trying to foil it out right now. Only need temples and Endless one left to complete my deck. I used to play mud but then oath happened.

Don't really play any other formats other than limited. Standard is lame and Modern is fake legacy. Spike master race.
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