OGWOLD 's profile
- MTG DECKS (55)
Decks I own
vin Black control
vin Can't touch this
vin Creatureless counterspell
vin E.D.H Sliver Overlord
leg E.D.H Token v2
leg Green shit
leg Pauper - "Dicktouch"
mod Pauper - Infect
vin Pauper - Pumper
leg Tribal Unicorn
vin BG mono G
leg blade of hyrda
mod Bogle Enchantments
leg Doorstopper
mod E.D.H - 200 cards
leg E.D.H Colorless
vin E.D.H Mill
leg E.D.H-Pauper Ragnar
leg Illicit
mod infinite Zhur
leg TL - Articact Protean Hulk
vin Turn 1 shenanigans
leg Planechase scheme deck list
mod Time Sieve
leg Torstani
Previus decks
leg E.D.H Forestia
leg Tante K
mod Zombie Tokens
Proxie deck
mod Banana deck
vin Black Lifedrain
mod Cloister Bomb
leg Demon-squirrels
vin E.D.H Rats - Marrow-Gnawler
leg Land destruction
leg Ooops, all spells!
leg Pauper-Artifacts
vin Progenitus
sta Cici
sta cici reds V.1
mod Cici-lifelink?
sta Cici, oggy style
leg Copy of E.D.H Krenko, Mob Boss
mod EDH Dumdum
mod Eggwhites
sta equpiment things
sta extra cards
mod mono G door
leg Pauper - Ultimate power
vin Rainbow Stairwell-Slivers
vin Septer fun
vin Storm crow!!!!