Charles Cantrell (OhLookAFish3)
User Bio
I'm fairly new to this whole trading game, I will send in sleeves, please send the same way. Please be patient if I do not respond quickly to trade proposals, I am still in school and priorities are there right now. I will slowly be building up my tradelist from my collection, but I have a lot of cards from the Theros, Shadows over Innistrad, Battle for Zendikar, some Khans, and now some Kaladesh, please feel free to ask about cards, I keep finding cards, I'm slowly working on organizing.
I'm fairly new to this whole trading game, I will send in sleeves, please send the same way. Please be patient if I do not respond quickly to trade proposals, I am still in school and priorities are there right now. I will slowly be building up my tradelist from my collection, but I have a lot of cards from the Theros, Shadows over Innistrad, Battle for Zendikar, some Khans, and now some Kaladesh, please feel free to ask about cards, I keep finding cards, I'm slowly working on organizing.
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