- Inventory
- Tradelist
- Wishlist
- MTG DECKS (191)
- com Animar, Soul of Elements v1
- com Dralnu, Lich Lord
- com Jhoira of the Ghitu v1
- com Kari Zev, Skyship Raider v1
- com Kozilek, the Great Distortion v1
- com Marchesa, the Black Rose v1.1
- com Marchesa, the Black Rose v1.2
- com Marchesa, the Black Rose v1.3
- com Marchesa, the Black Rose v2
- com Rafiq of the Many v1
- com Rakdos, Lord of Riots
- com Selvala, Explorer Returned
- com Shu Yun, the Silent Tempes
- com New Mettemon Commander
- mod Mono Red
- vin UR Prowess
- leg Burn
- vin Tainted Shards Legacy
- mod [NEXT]UR Kiln Fiend
- leg Copy of [NEXT]UR Battle Rage
- mod Jeskai Control
- mod UR Storm
- mod Abzan Lifegainz
- mod Burn v2
- mod Copy of Zombie Hunt (Not for Sale)
- mod Death Shadow 4 C
- mod Esper Tainted
- mod GB Zombies
- mod Grixis Death Shadow
- mod Humans Company
- mod Modern Meme
- mod R Burn
- mod R Goblins
- mod Revolt Zoo
- mod Stake Sister
- mod Sultai Death Shadow
- mod UR Breach
- mod UR Control
- mod UR Summoings
- mod W Humans
- mod WB Tainted
- mod Zombie Hunt (Not for Sale)
Modern Beginner
- pau GR Pauper Stompy
- sta Pauper Sauce
- pau UR Pauper Battle Rage
- mod WR Pauper
- mod UW Auras
Battledecks Standard
- mod 16$ GR Energy
- mod B Affinity
Beginner Standard G
- mod [NEXT] UG Pummeler
- mod [NEXT]GR Pummeler Energy Goal
- mod 4c Yore Vehicles
- mod Abzan Revolt
- mod B Mill
- mod Copy of Grixis Thermo Alchemist
- mod Copy of UR Control
- mod Elf
- mod Energy Fog
- mod Esper Control v0,1
- mod Esper Midrange
- mod G Stompy
- mod G Stompy goldfish
- mod GB Midrange
- mod GR Pummeler current
- mod Grixis Control
- mod Grixis Control v2
- mod Grixis Control v3
- mod Grixis Kaladesh Control
- mod Grixis Thermo Alchemist
- mod Grixis Thermo Alchemist
- mod GW Clues
- mod Jeskai Control
- mod Jund Midrange
- mod Paradoxical Outcome
- mod Sultai Pummeler
- mod Temur Control
- mod Temur Control v2
- mod Temur Pummeler
- mod Temur Summonings
- mod Thermo Alchemist
- mod UB Control
- mod UG Budget 35$
- mod UR Colossus
- mod UR Control
- mod UR Prowess
- mod UR Thermo Alchemist
- mod UW Control
- mod UW Spirits
- mod white eldrazi
- mod WR Aggro
- sta WR Aggro v2
- mod WR Humans
- mod WR Standard
5 Color
Beginner Deck
- mod B Eldrazi
- mod B Eldrazi v2
- mod Counterblue
- mod Flying Buff
- mod Redtrains
- mod Whitelife Pauper
- mod Whitelife Serene Steward
- mod WR 18$
- vin Multiplayer Hate
- mod 2HG Burn
- vin 2HG WR Equipments
- mod Bloodlust
- mod Brutal Truth
- leg Casual Natural Affinity
- leg Casual WU
- leg Casual WU v2
- mod Crab Tribe
- leg Draco>Emrakul
- mod Dragon Tribe
- leg Drawmill
- mod G Stompy Duo
- leg Tainted Shards
- leg Tainted Shards v2
- leg Tainted Shards v3
- leg Temur Draw
- mod Thermal Detonator
- mod Untamed Energy
- mod UR Elemental Burn
- leg UR Pirates
- leg UR Support Caster
- mod UR Surge Support
- leg W/R Dwarf Vehicle
- leg W/R Dwarf Vehicle
- mod WB Life Midrange
- leg WR Dwarf v3
- sta Monsters
Duel Decks
Blessed vs Cursed
- mod Blessed
- mod Blessed v2
- leg Cursed
- mod Cursed v2
Nissa vs Ob Nixlis
- mod Nissa
- mod Nissa v2
- mod Ob Nixilis
- mod Ob Nixlis v2
Hearthstone Decks
- leg Warrior
Historic Standard [2]
Magic League 1
Standard Uncommon
- mod UB Control
- mod Adrian Mono B
- mod BigBuy
- mod BigBuy2
- leg Cheap Lands
- mod Christian Engen Grixis Zombie Casual
- mod Christian Engen Grixis Zombie Token
- leg Christian Engen Temur Nekusar
- mod Copy of Adrian Mono B
- mod draft 1
- mod Ole Martin RB
- sta SALG
- mod Temporary
- mod Test
- sta Wishlist
- mod Copy of Mette Dinosaurs
- mod Heroes of Old
- mod Mette Dinosaurs
- mod Naya Dinosaur
- sta Zariel Deck
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Please consider subscribing to a Deckbox Premium Account, which provides many useful collecting, trading and deckbuilding features and removes ads!
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Andreas Solbakken (Ostehovel)
- Location:
- Norway - Nordland - Bodo
- Score:
12 (100%)
8 0 0 4 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 30-Sep-2023 00:25
- Will trade cards:
- My Continent
- Ships sold cards to:
- Norway, European Union, International
- Member of:
- Bodo MTG, MTG Market
This user has set their status to on vacation. You can not trade or buy cards from them until they
come back. Feel free to check out their bio or send them an email to ask for details.
User Bio
Selling cards with main focus on Norwegian customers, shipping is expensive in Norway and because of it I will have low and competitive prices on my cards but more expensive shipping costs due both to tax and mail cost.
I only recommand tracking if you have ever experienced issues with mail, or buying many valueable cards.
Protection is important so we will be buying toploaders and use double sleeving for cards bellow value of 0,20 usd.
Make sure to ask for mail search if it hasnt arrived after 3 weeks of waiting, as it can be lost, you will be refunded if its proven that you have not recived your cards after shipping.
Any complaints can be sent to andreassol1998@hotmail.com , but so far we have only had 1 incident :)
You may also buy completed decks from my collection but you will have to send email before doing this, since i may offer sleeves and lower price if you do so.
Selling cards with main focus on Norwegian customers, shipping is expensive in Norway and because of it I will have low and competitive prices on my cards but more expensive shipping costs due both to tax and mail cost.
I only recommand tracking if you have ever experienced issues with mail, or buying many valueable cards.
Protection is important so we will be buying toploaders and use double sleeving for cards bellow value of 0,20 usd.
Make sure to ask for mail search if it hasnt arrived after 3 weeks of waiting, as it can be lost, you will be refunded if its proven that you have not recived your cards after shipping.
Any complaints can be sent to andreassol1998@hotmail.com , but so far we have only had 1 incident :)
You may also buy completed decks from my collection but you will have to send email before doing this, since i may offer sleeves and lower price if you do so.
Sign up and log in to see what cards in your wishlist this user can trade with you.