Pablo B. (Pablini)
User Bio
I really like cookies, and Magic !
Just decided to play more again :D
I play with decks I love, creatures you fear and tactics my opponents hate :D
I'm more of an enthousiast than a real collecter, I roam the internet for cards and tactics, and when I find one I really like, I try to build a deck around it.
I mainly buy single cards, and only the ones I need for my deck, so as far as trading goes I don't really have many spare cards.
Just decided to play more again :D
I play with decks I love, creatures you fear and tactics my opponents hate :D
I'm more of an enthousiast than a real collecter, I roam the internet for cards and tactics, and when I find one I really like, I try to build a deck around it.
I mainly buy single cards, and only the ones I need for my deck, so as far as trading goes I don't really have many spare cards.