DMITRY 's profile
- MTG DECKS (92)
CMD 2012
com Counterpunch
com Counterpunch (received)
com Devour for Power
com Heavenly Inferno
com Mirror Mastery
com Political Puppets
CMD AFR 2021
com Aura of Courage
com Draconic Rage
com Dungeons of Death
com Planar Portal
leg Affinity
leg Affinity - WhoamI
leg Affinity (A. Kuzbar)
leg Affinity (D. Elwell)
vin Bu Reanimator
leg Burn
leg Dogs
leg Dredge (Erik Hegemann)
leg Elves
leg Kiln Fiend budget
vin Monoblack
vin Monogreen infect stompy
vin Vampires
leg Birthing Pod
leg G/R Tron
mod G/W Hate Bears
mod Infect
vin Jund
leg Splinter Twin
leg Splinter Twin no lands
vin Storm
vin Storm no lands
mod U/W Midrange
mod WW
leg D: Ajani
leg D: Bolas
leg D: Dragons
leg D: Golgari
leg D: Heroes
leg D: Izzet
leg D: Knights
leg D: Koth
leg D: Monsters
leg D: Sorin
leg D: Tibalt
leg D: Venser
mod Event: Into the Breach
leg Fire and Lighting
leg Graveborn
leg P2: Chaos Reigns
leg P2: Primordial Hunger
leg Planechase: Elemental Thunder
leg Planechase: Metallic Dreams
leg Planechase: Zombie Empire
mod Rush of the Wild
mod Strength of Selesnya
Standard 2011
mod Argentum Quest
mod Argentum Quest Budget
mod BG Poison
leg Birthing Pod
leg Caw-Blade
mod Elves
mod G Infect
mod Kuldotha Budget
mod Kuldotha Red (C. Andersen)
leg mono U Architect
leg Mono U Architect Budget
mod RG Infect
leg RUG Birthing Pod
mod RW Allies
vin Tempered Wenee
leg UB budget
leg UB Infect
mod Vampire Ascension
mod Vampires
mod WW Quest
Standard 2012
Standard 2013
mod Naya Blitz
mod R/G Aggro
Standard Theros
mod G/B Hydra
mod G/R Aggro№1
mod G/R Aggro№2
mod G/R Midrange
mod G/R Ramp
mod Mono-Red Aggro
mod U/W Control
mod W/G Phalanx
mod W/R Phalanx
mod W/U/R Control
mod Elves Original