releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

Buy on CardKingdom Buy on TcgPlayer
Daniel Ballingall (PerfectSpecimen)
Canada - British Columbia - Penticton
226 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
26-Feb-2019 22:50
Will trade cards:
Member of:
Canadian Traders, Reddit MTG Trades, Foil Traders, MTG Market
User Bio
Wl and tl are up to date. Inventory a bit off. Hmu if you have stuff from my wl.
Main needs in order of importance are...
Legacy Death and Taxes WL Items
City of Traitors
Rest of WL Legacy Eldrazi
I will always confirm condition and/or provide pics before finalizing. I ship with care and use a proper and safe method of packaging and hope that my trade partners do the same.
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