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Alex Lindblade (PinkGameboy)
United States - Florida
22 (95%)  - 
Last seen online:
24-Mar-2013 03:19
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Reddit MTG Trades
Alex Lindblade has been found to be a scammer. If you have lost cards or money because of this user, please see our help page on filing for mail fraud.
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Less than 5 feedback and I'll ask you to ship first, upon receving the cards, I will send out. Greater than 5 and it will usually be shipped at the same time.

I send in an Envelope with toploader and tape unless Trade exceeds $50.

I trade and play Standard only, so if you happen to be looking for modern stuff, I'm not your guy.

If you're looking for something I'm not using, I'll trade almost anything for it, as long as costs are similar. If you need it, and I don't, I won't be an ass about it, so don't hold back on trade offers.

I value everything at what it is at, (even shocklands) so if it is $12 right now, that's what it is, you can't price them at $9 becuase that's where the RtR shocks ended up, if you're going to do that, you're going to have to wait until they hit  $9

Love foils, anything not english I also love, but I don't price foreign cards any higher unless they are chase rares or any mythic, and they are usuallu about $2 more.

My Rules for foil is usually take half the price and add it onto the price, but that is not set depending on the card and trade.
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