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United States - Texas
3 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
25-Aug-2015 03:58
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User Bio
I am new to this site, but not new to online trading.  I traded a fair bit on a site called trade cards online and was considered and honest and fair trader.  Here is a link to my public page on that site:

I have just given up standard, due to college, and am trying to get into modern.  I also play a little commander at varying competitive levels.  As such, I am mainly looking for modern cards and am not escpecially looking for commander cards, unless it evens out a trade.  As soon as I get all of my modern cards (burn cards), I will happily trade for commander. 

I will consider every offer sent to me, and respond as quickly as I can.  I will only trade with traders that have a good trader rating.  Everything on my trades list, is for trade.  I try to keep my trades list as up to date as I can.  all my cards are near mint, unless otherwise specified.  I realize that I am new, but I soon hope to gain some credibility as a good trader.

If there is anything wrong with the cards I sent for a trade, please let me know.  Positive feedback is very important to me, therefore I will try to correct the situation in any way I can.
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