- MTG DECKS (73)
Booster Packs
Cards Needed
oth Core 2019
oth Dominaria
oth Guilds of Ravnica
oth Ixalan
oth Ravnica Allegiance
oth Rivals of Ixalan
oth War of the Spark
Purchasing History
sta 01.21.2020 - War of the Spark Gideon Deck
sta 01.21.2020 - War of the Spark jace Deck
oth Bought 1.12.2020 - Core2020 #1
sta Bought 1.12.2020 - Core2020 #2
sta Bought 1.12.2020 - Guilds of Ravnica #1
sta Bought 1.12.2020 - Throne of Eldrane #1
sta Bought 1.12.2020 - Throne of Eldrane #2
sta Bought 1.12.2020 - Throne of Eldrane #3
sta Bought 1.12.2020 - Throne of Eldrane #4
sta Bought 1.12.2020 - Throne of Eldrane #5
sta Bought 1.12.2020 - Throne of Eldrane #6
sta Bought 1.12.2020 - Throne of Eldrane #7
sta Bought 1.12.2020 - Throne of Eldrane Gift Box
oth 1.16.2020 - Aether Revolt Booster
oth 1.16.2020 - Guilds of Ravnica Booster
oth 1.16.2020 - Throne of Eldraine Booster Pack #1
oth 1.16.2020 - Throne of Eldraine Booster Pack #2
oth 1.16.2020 - Throne of Eldraine Booster Pack #3
oth 1.16.2020 - Throne of Eldraine Booster Pack #4
oth 1.16.2020 - Throne of Eldraine Booster Pack #5
oth 1.16.2020 - Throne of Eldraine Booster Pack #6
oth 1.16.2020 - Throne of Eldraine Booster Pack #7
oth 1.16.2020 - Throne of Eldraine Collector Pack #1
oth 1.16.2020 - Throne of Eldraine Collector Pack #2
oth 1.16.2020 - Throne of Eldraine Collector Pack #3
oth 1.16.2020 -Starter Deck
War of the Spark
oth Arrived From eBay Purchase (DD Wizard s Gaming
oth Cards Bought - Deckbox
oth Cards Bought - EBay
oth Cards ordered but not received
oth Core 2019 Booster Box ordered from Ebay, opened 3/14/2019
oth Core 2019 Booster Box ordered from Ebay, opened 4/4/2019
oth Core 2019 Bundle Box - 3-29-19
oth Dominaria booster box opening 3-23-19
oth EBay Purchase - 4-4-19
oth Guilds of Ravnica Bundle Box - 3-30-19
oth Guilds of Ravnica Bundle Box -4-16 -19
oth Guilds of Ravnica Bundle Box -4-2-19
oth Various Booster Pack Box - Paid $26.95
oth Wal-Mart - In-Store 3/13/19
oth Wal-Mart - In-Store 3/14/19
oth Wal-Mart - In-Store 4/11/19
sta 03.11.2020 - Theros Beyond Death Booster Bundle
sta 03112020.Throne of Eldraine Booster
sta 04.-8.2020 - Chaos Pack #1
sta 04.-8.2020 - Chaos Pack #2
sta 04.-8.2020 - Chaos Pack #3
sta 04.08.2020 - Fat Pack
sta 04.29.2020 - Fat Pack
sta 2020002
sta 2020003
oth 2020004- fat pack
oth 2020004-Booster Box
sta 2020006
sta 2020007
sta 2020009
sta 2020010
oth Jace is so Cool!
sta Planeswalker Cards
oth Repack - EBay 3-25-19
Kenne Morrison (RogueFan)
- Location:
United States - Georgia - Thomasville
- Score:
0 (100%) -
0 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 02-Jan-2021 21:01
- Will trade cards:
- Local
- Member of:
- Planewsalkers of Georgia