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237 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
09-May-2024 01:14
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Member of:
Honorable Circle of Magi
User Bio

I have a very busy work life, so apologies in advance for any communication delay!

I strictly collect, so please review the following before offering any trade:

1) For certain sets, I am after Japanese-printed English cards. If you're unsure of what that means, this page does a good job explaining:

2) I want cards in as unplayed condition I can get - no scratches, dents, whiting wear, etc. They don't have to actually be unplayed, just look it. Please look at your cards under good lighting, if necessary.

3) Set and Collector Number matter! I don't want anything from a Promo Pack, Mystery Booster, or The List.

4) Please do not try and capitalize on crashing/rising card values - I do NOT go by DB pricing and will be checking against TCGPlayer Market.

5) Secret Lair cards will only be traded for similarly unique cards. The ones I have listed as Mint are simply because they're still sealed - you're warned now in case you decide to open them!

6) Unless the trade involves Standard cards on my end, I am not interested in trading for any of my Standard wants that are over $1.

7) I am open to trading for foils, but they are not a priority. I am more likely to outright buy them but will trade for them if the right one comes along.

I have an open 'Heads I Win' & 'Angels' deck for trade, sans the flip cards. I also have a sealed SL Showcase: The Lost Caverns of Ixalan - Rainbow Foil Edition.

**I have a ton of other MtG things for trade, ranging from set-specific pro binders to sealed land packs. I also have Sorcery cards for trade**
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