- JAMES SWANDALE's profile
- Inventory
- Tradelist
- Wishlist
- MTG DECKS (46)
- sta ELD G1 27/09/19
- sta ELD G2 28/09/19
- sta ELD G4 28/09/19
- sta ELD G5 29/09/19
- sta ELD pool Pre G1 27/09/19
Oketra EDH
Sealed card pools
- mod MH1 Pre 08/06/19
- mod MH1-S-29/06/19
- sta WAR Pre 27/04/19
- sta WAR Rainbow Walker Sealed Pool
Sealed deck lists
- mod JTOV MH1
- mod MH1 Deck 08/06/19
- mod MH1 Deck1 29/06/19
- mod MH1 Deck2 29/06/19
- sta WAR Deck 27/04/19
- sta WAR Rainbow Walker Sealed
Yawg EDH
- vin Yawg
- vin Yawg more optimal unowned
- leg Yawg sideboard
- leg Yawg unowned
- vin Yawg with current pool
- vin Yawg, new
- sta Collectors Pack
- sta Copy of judge tower
- sta ELD Box opening
- leg ELD G1 wins
- sta ELD G2 Wins
- sta ELD G3 28/09/19
- sta ELD G3 Wins
- sta ELD G4 Wins
- sta ELD G4 Wins
- sta ELD G5 Wins
- leg God-Eternal Oketra EDH
- leg grenzo
- sta judge tower
- sta M20 - mediocre
- sta m20 good
- leg old cards
- vin temp yawg
- leg The First Sliver
- mod three random MH boosters
- sta Trades
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