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Myles Randon (Sisays_First_Mate)
United States - California
27 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
17-Oct-2022 15:53
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Hello All! I have been playing Magic for a couple of years now and I play mostly EDH. I’ll do pretty much any trade so let me know or just propose one and i’ll look at it!

I am currently making a Ziatora deck and all the cards i need are in my wishlist :)

I normally will use TCGPlayer Market prices because the websites prices are messed up sometimes.

If you are really wondering about card conditions before a trade, just please let me know to check and i’ll try and give my best evaluation if it’s LP or something like that. (i can also send pics if you like with imgur link)

I don’t really care much about conditions of cards myself if you’re sending to me, i’m fine with SP and up.

Happy Trading!
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