MATT RYAN's profile
- MTG DECKS (65)
EDH Decks
com Ezuri's Skitterstorm
com Gisa and Geralf's Undying Endearment
com Gisela's Self-Righteous Smiting
com Inalla's Ur a Fookin' Wizard, 'Arry
com Isperia's Aerial Watch
com Marchesa's Black Rose Seduction
com Narset's Aether-Rending Martial Arts
com Olivia's Grand Estate
com Ruric Thar's Revelous Battleground
com Sigarda's Safe Haven
com Tasigur's Boudoir of Discipline
com Thrasios + Kydele = BFF
com Thraximundar's Psychological Horror
com Zur's Weird Spellbook
Joke Decks
leg 13
mod Affinity for Cats
leg Chimes of Madness
leg Filibusted
leg Nine Lives and Counting
leg Sorry Not Sorry
leg All Colours and None
mod Anthropic Rage
leg Ashes to Ashes, Jank to Jank
mod Didgeridoo Not
mod Dino-Sores
mod Peacecrafters of the Fifth District
mod Test Deck: Green Beat Down
leg Test Deck: White Stall
mod Warriors of That Time of the Month
leg Azorius Litigation: Legal Rampage
leg Backed by Populate Demand
leg Blue Gas and High Tides
leg Burninate the Countryside
leg Dancing with the Devils
mod Favourable Winds
leg Fun Police of the Tenth
leg Ghosts of Power Creep Past
leg Grasp the Intangible: Black and White Tokens
leg Grave Danger
mod HM05
leg Hymns of Sorrow
mod Hyper-Enchanted Wonderland
leg In the Hive, Part of the Hive
mod Instant Transmission
leg It's Over Izzet It?
mod Jwar Jwar Sphinx's Revenge
leg Kiora Minus Kiora
leg Labyrinth
mod Lycanthropic Rage
leg Madness of Threes
leg Missionaries of Phyrexia
leg Mystical Energies
leg Neutral Extremists
leg Nicol Bolas's Grand Scheme
leg Perpetual Motion Machine (PMM v2.0)
leg Puresteel Armaments
leg Quantifiable Life Units
mod Restless Grove
leg Scry Moar
mod Seeds of Annihilation
leg Sza-Deck's Legacy
mod Tanz der Vampire
mod Tempered Steel
mod The Hero That Could
leg To Affinity and Beyond
Matt Ryan (SteinFanXL9)
User Bio
I'm a casual Magic player who would prefer to trade in person. I mostly use this account to keep track of my MtG decks. I live in Oshawa. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in playing or trading in person.