Avery K (SwiggitySwagtusk)
User Bio
Hey, I'm Avery, shockland magician (I always seem to pull them.) and avid collector of slivers and Gruul guildgates. Why the latter? I haven't a clue, but foil ones are always appreciated.
By default I try to send in sleeves and toploaders, but if you'd like anything different just ask! :) I'd be happy to oblige.
If you have less feedback than me or less than all positive feedback, I would expect you to send first. Otherwise, I'm not sure we can make a deal.
Anyway, I appreciate every person I trade with, and good luck finding what you need, even if I can't help you. ^^
By default I try to send in sleeves and toploaders, but if you'd like anything different just ask! :) I'd be happy to oblige.
If you have less feedback than me or less than all positive feedback, I would expect you to send first. Otherwise, I'm not sure we can make a deal.
Anyway, I appreciate every person I trade with, and good luck finding what you need, even if I can't help you. ^^
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