SYMIANS's profile
- MTG DECKS (110)
Current EDH Decks
sta EDH Immard Blink
sta EDH Kruphix
vin Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca
vin The Scarab God
vin Yahenni, Undying Partisan
sta Zurgo Equipment
In Progress
sta EDH Chun Li
sta EDH Hidetsugu 3/23
sta EDH Skullbriar
sta EDH Wort 4.dec
sta EDH Zurzoth 2
mod Modern Merfolk
Cube Stuff
vin KTK Cube
vin KTK Cube Commons
vin KTK Cube Rares
vin KTK Cube Uncommons
sta NEO Cube
vin Brago, King Eternal
vin Copy of Brago, King Eternal
sta Copy of Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca
vin Copy of Maelstrom Wanderer
vin Copy of Queen Marchesa
vin Copy of Rishkar, Peema Renegade
vin Golos, Tireless Pilgrim
vin Gonti, Lord of Luxury
sta Hidetsugu Goblin Treasure Goodstuff
vin Intet, the Dreamer
vin Keranos, God of Storms
vin Kumena copy
vin Maelstrom Wanderer
sta Needs 2/8/23
vin New Tasigur
vin Queen Marchesa
vin Rashmi, Eternities Crafter
leg Reyhan, Last of the Abzan
vin Reyhan, Last of the Abzan + Ravos, Soultender
vin Rishkar, Peema Renegade
vin Silas Renn, Seeker Adept and Akiri, Line-Slinger
vin Sygg, River Guide
vin Tasigur, the Golden Fang
leg Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire
vin Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder
sta B&A Cats All Haves
sta B&A Cats Haves
sta Cats & Cats Haves
sta Copy of Golos, Tireless Pilgrim
sta Copy of Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca
sta Copy of Livio Kraum Blink
sta Copy of Pioneer UW Control
sta Copy of Pioneer UW Spirits
sta EDH Delney, Streetwise Lookout
sta EDH Dina
sta EDH Goro Goro Dragons
sta EDH Goro-Goro + Satoru Dragons 2
sta EDH Hidetsugu March 23
sta EDH Immard Sunforger
sta EDH Jared Carthalion True Heir
sta EDH Kykar Reanimator Polymorph July 22
sta EDH Loot
sta EDH Marrow Gnawer Rat Colony
sta EDH Niv-Mizzet Reborn
sta EDH Omnath Locus of Creation
sta EDH Shattergang Bros.dec
sta EDH Teysa Opulent Oligarch
sta EDH Wort Goblins 1/25
sta Elsha Artifacts
sta Feather the Redeemed
sta Feather, The Redeemed
sta Jeskai Energy EDH
sta Kenrith + Zirda
sta Kykar Anthems
sta Kykar Anthems 2
sta Kykar Anthems 3
sta Kykar Politics
sta Kykar Polymorph Reanimator May 22
sta Kykar Reanimator Polymorph
sta Kykar Reanimator Polymorph Nov 22
sta Kykar Superfriends
sta Kykar, Wind's Fury spells combo
sta Livio Kraum Blink
sta Narset, Enlightened Master
sta needs
sta needs
sta Needs 3/23
sta New Kruphix
sta New Yahenni
sta Pioneer Flash
sta Pioneer Izzet Gearhulk Creativity
sta Pioneer Jeskai Gearhulk Creativity
sta Pioneer UW Control
sta Pioneer UW Control 1.6.24
sta Pioneer UW Control 12.23
sta Pioneer UW Control 2
sta Pioneer UW Spirits
sta Pioneer Wants
sta Poo jeskaicreativity brew
sta Pramikon, Sky Rampart
sta Purphoros, the Bronze-Blooded
sta Rakdos, the Showstopper
sta Ruhan 3
sta Ruhan of the Fomori
sta Taken out of Wort Goblins
sta to-trade
sta Uro 2
sta Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath
sta wants yah and kru
sta Wort Boggart Auntie
sta Zurgo Combat
sta Zurgo Goblins
- Location:
United States - California - San Francisco
- Score:
112 (100%) -
112 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 27-Feb-2025 22:13
- Will trade cards:
- My Country
User Bio
Hey all!
If I have something in my tradelist that you want but you don't have anything in my wishlist, feel free to send me a trade anyway and I'll take a look at your tradelist for anything interesting!
Note that some conditions may not be totally up-to-date, since some of my cards were input close to a decade ago. I'll always double-check conditions and send photos if you are interested.
Feel free to send me offers for small trades. As long as the cards are worth more than the cost of shipping those cards, I'm usually happy to make the trade.
Thanks, and happy trading!
If I have something in my tradelist that you want but you don't have anything in my wishlist, feel free to send me a trade anyway and I'll take a look at your tradelist for anything interesting!
Note that some conditions may not be totally up-to-date, since some of my cards were input close to a decade ago. I'll always double-check conditions and send photos if you are interested.
Feel free to send me offers for small trades. As long as the cards are worth more than the cost of shipping those cards, I'm usually happy to make the trade.
Thanks, and happy trading!