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United States - Pennsylvania - Aliquippa
3 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
27-Aug-2014 02:22
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Reddit MTG Trades, Foil Traders
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Hi there,

We are currently an online shop, soon to be a LGS in the Pittsburgh area.  We're always looking to trade for higher value cards.

Right now, looking for the following:

Finishing out a Foil Modern Masters set. What we need will be added to wish list soon.

Lands!  Any special lands, mostly fetches, shocks, duals, APAC, Guru, full-art zendikar / unhinged / unglued, alpha/beta basics, etc.

Any legacy/modern staples will definitely get a look. 

Since we are new to the trading aspect of Deckbox, I would understand if you want to wait until cards are received prior to shipping your own out.  Just for any kind of reference, we have an eBay store, that you can check feedback on.
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