- THEWAXMANN's profile
- Inventory
- Tradelist
- Wishlist
- MTG DECKS (250)
0.5 EDH
- vin Jarad
- leg Niv-Mizzet
- leg Obzedat
- leg Oloro
- leg Rafiq of the Many
- vin Sharuum
- vin Sydri
- leg Trostani
- vin Sydri
- vin 5 Colour Superfriends
- vin Good EDH cards
- leg Potential Generals
- leg Wizard draw
- leg Arcum Dagsson
- vin Colourless
- leg FlickeRoony
- vin Jarad
- vin Kemba's cats
- vin Niv-Mizzet
- vin Obzedat
- vin Rafiq of the Many
- vin Sharuum
- vin Sharuum Reanimator
- vin Sydri
- vin Trostani
- vin Zur
- vin Atraxa
- vin Baral
- vin Breya
- vin Chain Veil Teferi
- vin Kozi D
- leg Kumena (Tribal Merfolk)
- com Roon
- com Sydri
- vin Windgrace
1.0 Vintage
- vin Copy of Shop aggro
- vin MUD
- vin Shop aggro
1.5 Legacy
- vin Grixis
- leg Budget lands
- leg Gamble Lands
- leg Intuition Lands
Miracles builds
- vin UW Clique Miracles
- vin UW Miracles Control
- vin UW Miracles Helm
- vin UW Snap Miracles
- leg Affinity
- vin Budget Post
- leg Burn
- leg Copy of LoamPox
- leg Dredge
- vin Esper Stoneblade
- leg Faeries
- vin Landless Dredge
- leg MUD
- vin Post
- vin Shared fate combo
- leg Tezzerator
- vin Thopter Foundry
- vin UR Delver
- leg UW Faeries
- leg UW Stoneblade
- leg UWr Stoneblade
1.7 Modern
Budget builds
- mod Affinity Quest
- leg Assault Loam
- mod BW tokens
- mod Heartless Brood
- leg Melira pod
- mod Restore Balance combo
- leg Waste not
- mod Zombie Storm Hunt
- leg Assault Loam
- mod Haakon Loam
- leg Loam Pox
- mod Grixis thopters
- leg Basic Twin
- leg Grixis Twin
- leg Value Twin
- mod Affinity
- mod Affinity Quest
- vin Blistercoil Combo
- mod Burn
- vin Eggs
- mod Esper Teachings
- mod Grixis Ninjas
- mod Martyr Life
- mod Modern life gain
- vin Ninja value
- mod Owling Mine
- mod Repeated Exile
- vin Ritual Gifts
- vin Storm
- leg T1 Titan
- mod Titan Control
- mod Tron U
- mod Tron UW
- mod U/W Control
- vin UR Delver
- mod UWR draw go
- mod UWR Scepter
- mod Wizards
- vin Young Swift Delver
2.0 Standard
- sta Merfolk
2.1 Pioneer
- pio Cheerios
2.5 Brawl
- mod Bolas Brawl
- mod The Locust God
- mod BR Pirates
- mod Grixis Ascend
- mod RDW
- mod UB Control
- mod UB Control final
- mod Miracles
- mod UW Control
Return to Ravnica
- mod Esper Control
- mod Blossoming Coinsmith
- mod MBD
- mod MWD
- vin Flash Actual
- vin Flash Ideal
- vin Flash Ideas
- vin Tetsuko
- leg Ravnica Challenge
Complete Sets
- vin Tezzeret
- mod Second Sun
- vin Devour for Power
- vin Eternal Bargain
- vin Evasive Manouvers
- vin Mind Seize
- vin Wade into Battle
- vin Arcane Wizardry
- leg Commanders arsenal
INN Block
Duel Decks
- vin DvD: Demonic
- leg DvD: Divine
- leg EvG: Elves
- leg EvG: Goblins
- leg EvT: Elspeth
- leg EvT: Tezzeret
- leg GvL: Garruk
- leg GvL: Liliana
- leg IvG: Golgari
- leg IvG: Izzet
- leg JvC: Chandra
- vin JvC: Jace
- leg SvT: Sorin
- leg SvT: Tibalt
- mod Fiery Dawn
- mod Path to Victory
Premium Deck series
- leg Fire and Lightning
- leg Graveborn
RTR Block
THS Block
- leg FTV: Annihilation
- mod Embalm
- mod Historic Deserts
- mod Temur Tower
- vin Jeskai Black
- vin Jeskai Black 2
- vin Noyan Dar
- mod Bant Life
- mod BRW Lifegain
- mod Esper Control
- mod Flash
- leg GriselBolas
- mod GW lifegain
- mod Junk Tokens
- mod Ludevic's door guardian
- mod Master of Bolas
- mod Mono red
- mod Naya Humans
- mod Populate Seance
- mod Rakdos Revelation
- vin Reanimator
- mod Rw deck wins
- mod RW Human
- vin Tri-Colour Standard
- mod Updated Path to victory
- mod Dancing burn
- mod Ephara
- mod Esper control
- mod Immortal Newt
- vin Junk Whip
- mod RDW
- mod Recurring Obzedat
- mod RWU control
- mod UG flash
- mod Abzan Mid range
- mod Constellation
- vin Esper control
- vin Jeskai burn
- mod Jeskai control
- vin Jeskai Dragons
- mod Jeskai Heroic Combo
- vin Jeskai Tokens
- mod Jund Monsters
- mod Mardu superfriends
- mod Mardu transformation
- mod Mardu Warriors
- mod Outlasting Heroics
- mod RG Monsters
- vin UB control
Sealed Pool
- mod Gatecrash Prerelease
- mod KTK pre release
- mod MM Sealed deck
Tiny Leaders
1.6 Pauper
15 Card highlander
- mod Burn
- mod Faeries
- vin Rainbow Stairwell
- sta Conspiracy
- mod 2HG Mill guardian
- mod 2HG Mill Jace
- mod 2HG Selesnya Life
- vin Atraxa Value
- vin Bolas Transform
- sta Budget Food
- sta Burn
- sta Copy of Rise of the Machines
- sta Dance Stax
- vin Partner Stax
- vin Ramos Superfriends
- leg Roon Energy
- com Sisay
- sta Sultai Food
- vin Sydri Rise of the Machines
- vin Tasigur EDH
- vin Teysa Sac
- com Urza
- sta Urza Modules
- sta Weird Counters
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