releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Premium User
United States - New Hampshire
144 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
10-Feb-2025 22:55
Will trade cards:
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Member of:
Reddit MTG Trades, Legacy Traders, Foil Traders, MTG Market, Upper Valley NH VT Magic
User Bio
I prefer NM English language cards. I will accept non-NM cards if you are up front with the condition beforehand and the cards are priced accordingly.

For anything over $20 I may request tracking and decent packaging, and I would of course offer the same., but for most trades I will send via plain white envelope (PWE).

If you have fewer trades than me, or we are trading for higher value cards, I may ask that you send first.

I often refer to TCG "Market Price" and "Median" pricing when evaluating trades.

Finally, let's be cool to each other. This is a fun hobby that I have enjoyed for over 26 years and thru which I have made some life-long friends. Hopefully we can all try to extend that friendliness to the online world.

Largest trade to date: $300+
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