- MTG DECKS (79)
Bad ideas
mod Azorius lockdown
leg Controlyness
mod draw it all!
leg Eggs
mod Hasty
mod Jund
mod Killing thrags
mod Stalker Aggro-control
mod U/W/R Midrange
mod UB Delver control
leg Esper Stoneblade
Prerelease decks
mod PTQ sealed pool
mod Bant Eldrazi
vin Pauper Delver
FNM decks
INN Standard
Old Ideas
mod 'Merica
leg Abusing Infinite Reflection
sta AVR Lab Maniac idea
mod AVR Lab Maniac idea
mod AVR RW Humans
leg AVR thoughts
leg AVR WUR Control
mod Black aggro hate
leg Blue White Humans
mod Boros Tokens
leg Budget Delver ideas
mod Door to nothingness
vin Esper Delver spirits
vin Esper tokens
mod FNM Humans part 2
mod Goblins
vin Grixis control AVR
mod GRW Run
mod Humans
mod Kemba deck for the wife
leg Lab Maniac mono blue
leg Lab Maniac self mill
leg M13 Lab Maniac mill
mod New Righteous Firebrand!
mod Rage Extractor control
leg Red Blue artifact killin'
leg Righteous Firebrand
leg RUG Delver
leg Spiraling Doom Edited
mod Stupid cat deck
leg Superfriend nonsense
mod Tempered Steel w/r
vin U/W Delver
mod Vampires
vin Venser Control Delver
mod W/G Ramp
mod White/Green stuff
leg Wolf Run pod
mod wolf run tokens
leg Zombies
leg Bant Pod by Cedric Phillips
mod Boros Humans revised
mod boros M13 standard 7/29/12
vin Delver (Yuuya inspired)
vin Delver of Secrets w/ Hero of Bladehold
vin Esper 8/5/12
vin Esper Delver
leg Esper something
vin Last Standard... Standing?
mod Reanimator
leg Spirits
vin Talrand Control
RTR Standard
mod Bant Lifegain
mod Esper control DGM
mod Esper Delver
mod RTR Delver
mod RTR Miracles
mod RUW - Americals
mod MDT Cats 2015
Jason Gleason (Theopholis)
- Location:
United States - New Mexico - Rio Rancho
- Score:
0 (100%) -
0 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 17-Oct-2022 22:51
- Will trade cards:
- Local
- Member of:
- Reddit MTG Trades