- Location:
Canada - Quebec - Montreal
- Score:
46 (100%) -
44 0 0
2 1 0
- Last seen online:
- 06-Jan-2019 06:25
- Will trade cards:
- Worldwide
- Ships sold cards to:
- Canada
- Member of:
- Legacy Traders, Montreal MTG, echange montreal

User Bio
all cards will be sent using a sleeve in a toploader, if you want it done differently please do let me know
From now on I will send all orders over 40$ with tracking, here in Canada it costs 9$ more than usual cost.
Cards are sold for 90% of deckbox market value, however the prices can be wrong, so I keep all rights to change them if I realise any mistakes and will correct it with http://www.tcgplayer.com/ mid prices.
Card Conditions:
most of my cards a NM to Mint, however the amount of cards i have can include errors, i will inspect cards before sending and will let you know if the condition is different than specified.
Please understand this and be ready for it.
I use http://www.starcitygames.com/pages/cardconditions when it comes to card conditions and would appreciate it if you did as well
I will always send my cards as soon as possible but please allow up to 2 buisiness days for me to send them.
From now on I will send all orders over 40$ with tracking, here in Canada it costs 9$ more than usual cost.
Cards are sold for 90% of deckbox market value, however the prices can be wrong, so I keep all rights to change them if I realise any mistakes and will correct it with http://www.tcgplayer.com/ mid prices.
Card Conditions:
most of my cards a NM to Mint, however the amount of cards i have can include errors, i will inspect cards before sending and will let you know if the condition is different than specified.
Please understand this and be ready for it.
I use http://www.starcitygames.com/pages/cardconditions when it comes to card conditions and would appreciate it if you did as well
I will always send my cards as soon as possible but please allow up to 2 buisiness days for me to send them.