TOTALWAR's profile
- MTG DECKS (109)
vin Ben Peasent Cube
sta Ben's cube
vin BoardgameCube
vin CheapCubeCards
leg CKCube
leg Cube-(W)
mod Facebook 2.0
mod Facebook BW token
leg Imperial Guard-Azorius
mod Kuldotha Cry
sta Dihada EDH
sta Etali_EDH
sta Exit_from_Exile_Precon
sta Feline Ferocity 2
sta Ishkannah
sta Memnarch EDH
sta Obeka
sta Sarulf EDH
com Shanna
com Sisay, weatherlight captain
sta Sneak_Attack_Precon
sta Tariel
sta Gentry_Grind_UB
sta WB_Deathknell
Guild Kits
mod Boros GK
mod Dimir Guildkit
vin Golgari GK
mod Gruul GK
mod Guildkit Azorius
mod Izzet GK
mod Orzhov GK
mod Rakdos GK
mod Selesnya GK
mod Simic GK
leg Werewolf Horde
leg Zombie Horde
Owned Precons
sta OTJ_WL
sta WL - The List
sta WL_LCI/C
Price check
sta CopyPasta
sta Tradeouts
Warbands - Trashcan
vin Golgari Warband
sta GW-Cats Warband
sta GWU-Strategic Position (Toughness Tribal)
sta Molo Warband
leg RG-Landslide (Phylath Lands matter)
leg U-Into the Blue (Talrand Draw go)
leg UR - Zarek combo
sta WARB_Esper transmutations
sta Warb-Rakdos Suicide
vin WB-Deathknell (Teysa Aristocrats)
sta Wbd - Tatyova
sta WU-Brago Warband
sta WUB-Cogs In the machine
sta Bartolurrus EDH
sta Batsdard
sta BG3
sta BLB_WL
sta blb-draft-pulls
sta Brenard
sta Busted Cube Cards
sta ChandraKiln
com Codie
sta CommandersMaybeList
sta Copy of EDH_SaintTNRemK
sta Copy of EDH_SaintTNRemK
sta CubeTokens
sta DFT_WL
sta Dimir_Flash
sta EDH_Infamous Cruelclaw
sta EDH_Prava+Ikra
sta Face Commanders
sta Festival Box pulls
sta Gentry_STD_Otterz
sta Gentry_UR_OtterStorm_Unlim
sta Ghave_EDH
sta Good Attractions
sta Grenzo_Fodder
sta Growing Threat Precon
sta INR_WL
sta Kami red
sta Manaless_League_Scruffy
sta MTGA_Cube_list
sta MTGA_Rogue_Cube
sta PEDH Potential Commanders
mod Turbofog idfk
sta UR- Teacher Galazeth
sta Vault of Fun Cube
sta Wanted Cheap Commanders
sta Weird Proliferate targets
sta WL_DSK
sta WL_FDN
sta WL_MB2
sta Ygra_test
User Bio
I love trading a few high value cards for multiple jank rares/mythics to build around.
Mostly interested in cards for cube or casual formats EDH/Oathbreaker and showcase treatments/fullarts.
Feel free to poke and let me sift through your tradelist. I love finding jank to build with
I take NM/SP
No gold/silver border
No thicc cardboard
English only
All my cards are sorted, but my inventory/tradelist is not fully up to date (Sold off most non-rare chaff but havent re-scanned yet essentially). I'll confirm if I have all the cards you want to trade and set them aside asap.
Je parle aussi français.
Mostly interested in cards for cube or casual formats EDH/Oathbreaker and showcase treatments/fullarts.
Feel free to poke and let me sift through your tradelist. I love finding jank to build with
I take NM/SP
No gold/silver border
No thicc cardboard
English only
All my cards are sorted, but my inventory/tradelist is not fully up to date (Sold off most non-rare chaff but havent re-scanned yet essentially). I'll confirm if I have all the cards you want to trade and set them aside asap.
Je parle aussi français.