releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Varda Steinhardt (Varda)
Premium User
United States - New York - New York
51 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
08-Mar-2025 15:30
Will trade cards:
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Member of:
EDH traders
This user has set their status to on vacation. You can not trade or buy cards from them until they come back. Feel free to check out their bio or send them an email to ask for details.
User Bio

NOTE: Am really NOT trading right now, taking a break. But I had to take myself off official vacation status to do something. So don't bother proposing a trade, it ain't happening.

I have been playing MTG for about 2 years years now. I got into it to play with my son, who is now 12. He plays casual decks with his friends, standard or modern in tournaments and EDH with me and my playgroup. I am in love with EDH, and play that as often as I can, but also build Modern and Standard decks to play with my son.  I also love the cards themselves for the art, beauty, and humor of them. 

As for trading policies, a few things of note:

WILL DO TRADES: Within the USA only.

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT VALUATION: DeckBox pricing can be a bit wonky and very volatile. So I check all higher priced cards (over $10) against TCG mid prices, which are the most reliable standard. Thus if I propose a trade or modify your proposal in a way that seems unbalanced according to DeckBox, it WILL be even according to TCG - and I will note how and why.

PACKING /SHIPPING POLICY: For small numbers of cards, of smaller value (generally trades under $20) I will usually just use a standard mailing envelope with penny sleeves & toploaders for protection. Over $20 gets the addition of bubble mailer and tracking. Over $50 and I'll add insurance. Let me know if you need to modify this.

Also note: I have kids and a very hectic life, so am not always the speediest sender, but I always do send and the cards will be very well packed.

Finally, if we have successfully completed a trade I will leave positive feedback for you. So PLEASE leave me some nice feedback, too. Thanks!

Also, I am a collector of tokens and emblems. If you have any older, unusual or particularly beautiful tokens, let me know. Likewise if you are looking for any specific tokens or emblems, ask me, I may have some to trade. (Merfolk Wizards, Red Ogres, Shapeshifters, etc.)

Also if there is filler needed to even out a trade, I will trade for or with Zendikar full-art lands, valued at $1.25 for trade purposes.

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