releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

Buy on CardKingdom Buy on TcgPlayer
Aaron Asselstine (VensersConclave)
Canada - Ontario - Ottawa
526 (99%)  - 
Last seen online:
02-Mar-2025 16:00
Will trade cards:
Ships sold cards to:
Canada, United States, International
Member of:
Canadian Traders, Reddit MTG Trades, Ottawa Traders, MTG Market
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When things are busy I'm not always quick to respond. Apologies in advance. I'm fairly picky about what I trade away and at what price. For example, I'm not trading away recently printed staples with lots of demand for similarly priced cards that are less popular or older.

That said, I'm happy to discuss and negotiate a fair price - I don't rely on deckbox pricing to determine what a fair price is. I like looking at Ebay completed sales or tcg player as an alternative, and factoring things like trade down or trade up into the deal.

Anyways, hope everyone is having fun and moving cards they don't want for cards they do.

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