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Last seen online:
29-Jan-2018 18:39
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Reddit MTG Trades
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User Bio
My MtG pet peeve: Islands that don't depict islands and Mountains that don't depict mountains. A lot of recent sets are bad, but Amonkhet was the worst! Pyramid != mountain. River != island. I love old lands where the art matches the basic land type.

About me:
Primarily casual player and try to go to every pre-release. I have just one friend who plays Magic and don't have the time to go out to FNM regularly. I've been playing since Origins and am very budget conscious. My biggest purchase to date (excluding purchases I planned to resell, e.g. a MM3 box and small/mid-sized collection locally) has been a 2-player cube, details of which can be seen on CubeTutor (

I'm primarily working on several elf decks, so any green cards are much appreciated! I just need a few more pieces for Pauper, I've got a working budget Modern list that I'm upgrading, and I'm very slowly working towards a Legacy list. Not sure if I'll ever get around to getting some Cradles for that...

As I said, I've purchased a few small-time collections locally through Craigslist. In addition to playing Magic and building decks, I really enjoy the financial aspect of MtG. Unfortunately, some of these collection owners weren't very careful with their cards, so a lot of my non-NM cards are from those collections.

Lastly, I dabble a bit in 1v1 Commander with a Yidris pre-con that I'm slowly updating into Big Creature Cascade and a Jori En, Bulk Diver deck, which is comprised of prowess/burn bulk cards from various pre-releases.
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