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Rob Anybody (XanysOldCards)
United States - Washington - Seattle
0 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
29-Aug-2011 01:00
Will trade cards:
User Bio
I started playing M:tG back in 1993, when I was in high school.

I thought my parents had thrown out all my old cards.

Recently, while unpacking from my latest move, I stumbled upon a storage box containing cards from Unlimited, Arabian Nights, Antiquities, Legends, and The Dark.

They have seen some wear, either from being played, or at least from being stored for nearly 20 years in a cardboard card storage box without sleeves. I am in the process of sorting and inventorying them, and am more than happy to sell/trade them at a fair price to anyone interested. I try to play currently-legal cards, so I'm not looking to trade for other legacy sets.

If you want to see my current "playing" inventory, my primary username is Xany.

I accept PayPal (contact me privately for details). Shipping within the USA is $5, contact me for international shipping prices. Willing to meet up with Seattle locals for free to deliver shipments as well.
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