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Stephen Borecky (Ykcerob)
United States - Indiana - Bloomington
8 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
11-May-2021 19:34
Will trade cards:
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Reddit MTG Trades
User Bio
I'm a standard player that's also trying to delve into modern. Hoping to trade for mostly modern lands (Fetches and shocks). If you have any big ticket items on my wishlist (Gofys, LotV, etc) but don't find much on my tradelist I'd be happy to do Trade+Cash (PayPal only).

I do have somethings that are not listed in my tradelist, most noteworthy is a playset of each new art shocklands and some Tarkir fetchlands, which I'm only interested in trading if they are for the same card but older art.

I'd prefer that all trades be >$10 or more, but there's always exceptions. I ship ALL my trades toploader, bubblewrap envelope, and tracking. With any larger $$ trade I'll request that you also get tracking, since it helps us both out.

Please feel free to open up any trade and if you're picky about condition, I can happily upload photos of any cards.
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