- MTG DECKS (59)
Built Decks
sta Bant Bio - 08-02-19
sta Boros Mentor 05/05/19
leg Counterburn - 10/11/18
leg Merfolk - 02/16/2019
sta Selesnya Tokens 05/05/19
leg Slivers 02/16/19
com Grusilda, Monster Masher
vin Jhoira of the Ghitu
com Mayael of the Anima
leg Rafiq of the Many
com Sliver Overlord
vin Talrand, Sky Summoner
vin Cube-worthy Cards
leg Greatest Hits Cube
leg Simple Cube Brainstorm
sta Tutor Cube
Past Standard
sta Artifact Aggro
sta Bant Ramp
sta Boros Humans
sta Copy of Esper Dance
sta Gruul Oh-KO
sta I'm a terrible person
sta Improbable Izzet
sta Izzet Fires
sta Jund Aristocats
sta Selesnya Adventures
sta Temur Bioessence
sta Temur Fae of Fires
sta Temur Oh-KO
sta Temur reclamation
sta Black - Persistent
sta Blue - Patient
sta Clear the mind
sta Green - Tall
sta Gruul Proliferate
sta Red - Fast
sta White - Wide
WAR Cube ...
sta B/G Tokens
sta B/R Aristocrats
sta Copy of B/G Tokens
sta R/G Beatdown
sta U/B Amass
sta U/G Ramp and sink
leg U/R Spells matter
sta W/B Zombie Tokens
sta W/G Proliferate
sta W/R Mentor
sta W/U Flyers
sta WUBRG Gates (Cut?)
sta Aristocrats
sta Simic Ramp
sta Tutor Cube
User Bio
My name is Jay. I've been playing magic for about ten years and have put together quite a weird collection in that time. It's all here on deckbox and open for trades.
I play mostly casual, limited and cube, but am gaining an interest in standard. Not sure that I would ever make the investment in a competitive deck though.
My cube list: http://www.cubetutor.com/viewcube/115097
I play mostly casual, limited and cube, but am gaining an interest in standard. Not sure that I would ever make the investment in a competitive deck though.
My cube list: http://www.cubetutor.com/viewcube/115097