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United States - Nevada - Reno
26 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
16-Sep-2019 14:37
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I'm more of a collector of Magic: The Gathering cards than a player of the game. That being the case, I'm only interested in trading for one of anything I don't have. I try to keep my wish lists and inventory up-to-date, so let me know if you want to do a trade.

For any of the cards on my wish list, I would need them to be in near-mint condition because I'm building collections and I need all the cards to be in top shape when they go into the binder.

I'm not usually interested in trading for any commons on my wish list. I have them there so that I know which cards I am missing from my collection. I buy lots of boosters, so I will almost certainly pick all those up at some point.
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