Fraser Kahl (Zronium)
User Bio
Looking mostly for modern staples, will almost always trade for Bolts, or Paths. also fetches. always need fetches
will also be willing to trade for various basics
Plains M11 231
Island Lorwyn 288
Swamp Lorwyn 293
Mountain Kamigawa any
Forest RTR 271
will only send to canada
My card conditions aren't always as advertised, I will verify upon trading
package using this method. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jotEMEqg-4c
will also be willing to trade for various basics
Plains M11 231
Island Lorwyn 288
Swamp Lorwyn 293
Mountain Kamigawa any
Forest RTR 271
will only send to canada
My card conditions aren't always as advertised, I will verify upon trading
package using this method. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jotEMEqg-4c
Sign up and log in to see what cards in your wishlist this user can trade with you.