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Logan Denney (akillerfrog)
United States - Kansas - Lawrence
12 (92%)  - 
Last seen online:
21-May-2014 02:58
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User Bio
I started playing right around Dark Ascension. I have mostly played Standard throughout my time playing MTG, and I'm now looking to mostly move towards older cards.

If you have anything that is Modern/Legacy and could be considered a format staple, I'd like to trade for those things mostly.

I also played at SCG St. Louis in Standard this last weekend and had a G/R Monsters deck stolen, so I'm currently trying to acquire cards for that deck in Standard, but that's the only Standard that I really want right now.

I also collect Grimgrin, Corpse-Born, so we can add those to pretty much any trade as fodder.

Currently, the Affinity cards in my Tradelist belong to a friend who I'm trading them for. He looks to mostly acquire Modern and Legacy cards for them, so please do not propose a trade 100% Standard for them.

If you want to trade for anything in my collection, just shoot me an offer or a message; I'll at least give ever offer a chance.

Look forward to trading with you guys, thanks!
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