AMPHETADEX's profile
- MTG DECKS (69)
1 color
com B Razaketh sacrifices
com G Baru land ramp
com R Daretti artifacts
com U Azami wizards
com U Slinn Voda tides
com W Radiant Archangel flyers
2 color
com BG Reyhan & Tevesh Szat +1/+1 sacrifices
com BR Anje vampire madness
com GU Momir Vig + Keruga counters
com GW Arahbo + Kaheera kitty toys
com RG Tovolar woofies
com RW Firesong and Sunspeaker spellslinger
com UB Phenax mill
com UR Brudiclad myr tokens
com UR Mizzix spells
com WB Karlov life
com WU Ephara tokens
3 color
com BGU Kadena morph
com BGU Sidisi graveyard
com BRG Korvold gobbo snacks
com BRG Lord Windgrace lands
com GUR Animar spirits
com GUR Riku photocopy friends
com GWU Chulane card draw
com GWU Estrid auras
com GWU Sophia doggo detective agency
com RGW Rienne multicolor
com RWB Kaalia control
com RWB Syr Gwyn equipment
com UBR Marchesa counters
com UBR Nekusar graveyard
com URW Narset prowess
com URW Zedruu yard sale
com WBG Ghave tokens
com WUB Aminatou blink
com WUB Celestial Toymaker artifacts & choices
com WUB Varina zombies
4 color
5 color
Dr. Who
To Buy
com BR Rohgahh, Overlord kobolds
com BRG Xira, Golden things that crawl
com C Capitoline Triad histories
com GUR Magus Lucea x-tyranids
com RGW Rin & Seri Inseparabler puppycats
com UBR Sol'Kanar + Lutri pauperish
com UR Alexander Clamilton wordy
com URW Zinnia walls that fuck
com WB Brims Barone wear hats, do crimes
com WBG Merry + Pippin Isengard snacks and soldiers
com WUBRG Princess Twilight Sparkle pony chaos
com WUBRG Tazri bacon party
com WUBRG Vorthos Crovax aristocrats
cub The Cube