Joseph Stilwell (animisticengine)
- Location:
Canada - British Columbia - Vancouver
- Score:
51 (100%) -
46 0 0
5 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 21-Mar-2018 18:19
- Will trade cards:
- My Continent
- Ships sold cards to:
- Canada, United States, International
- Member of:
- MTG Market, Canadian Traders

User Bio
Only really playing commander these days, so I'm only trading to get stuff for those decks.
I don't need things to be NM, as long as I can play them in a sleeve I'm interested, BUT I still discount value based on condition.
Currently what I want most from my wishlist is any blue cards, particularly instant/sorcery related (working on a Talrand deck), but I'm up for trading for almost anything on my wishlist. If you think you've got a card I don't have on my wishlist that would be good in Talrand, feel free to offer that.
I send sleeved & toploaded in PWE for most trades, unless the value is $40+(CAD) or I'm sending enough cards that they can't be mailed with stamps. If you'd like a bubble mailer/tracking for anything less let me know.
Please also be patient with me. Sometimes I'm quite busy and can't check this site every day.
I don't need things to be NM, as long as I can play them in a sleeve I'm interested, BUT I still discount value based on condition.
Currently what I want most from my wishlist is any blue cards, particularly instant/sorcery related (working on a Talrand deck), but I'm up for trading for almost anything on my wishlist. If you think you've got a card I don't have on my wishlist that would be good in Talrand, feel free to offer that.
I send sleeved & toploaded in PWE for most trades, unless the value is $40+(CAD) or I'm sending enough cards that they can't be mailed with stamps. If you'd like a bubble mailer/tracking for anything less let me know.
Please also be patient with me. Sometimes I'm quite busy and can't check this site every day.