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- Location:
United States - Massachusetts - Boston
- Score:
146 (100%) -
146 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 24-Apr-2024 00:28
- Will trade cards:
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User Bio
Hi, and welcome to my deckbox collection. I'm willing to trade for mtgo tix. Also looking for common/basic land CE or ICE (mix is fine) lots/sets (not interested in individual cards, at least 50 at a time, no more than 2 copies of any given common, basics can have more copies). Looking for 4 gold border basic islands and 1 gold border forest/swamp or plains.
I'm willing to trade by mail within the US with a $20 trade minimum or locally around Boston. I always send with tracking; I prefer you use tracking but do not require it as long as you are willing to abide by Deckbox rules regarding lost mail. On trades $200 or more, I prefer for both sides to purchase insurance when shipping and for you to have high feedback for simulsend or send first.
Anything on my tradelist is up for grabs. I'm mainly interested in foils and if you are looking downgrade your foils on my wishlist to the non-foil+value just ask, even if you don't see the non-foil in my tradelist, I likely have it.
Feel free to open trade requests. I'm also willing to pay by paypal for cards on my wishlist at a slight discount to tcgplayer low and recent ebay ending prices if you are a deckbox seller.
I can provide scans upon request.
If any of the following apply to you/our trade, I will need you to send first:
-you want delivery to a PO Box
-you have less than 5 feedback
-you have less than 100% non-negative feedback
-you have less than 10 feedback and our trade is >$50.
I collect a lot of sets, so please verify the edition your cards are from and language in trades.
I have the following sealed product for trade (I value most around tcgplayer mid for sealed price shipped in trade against deckbox prices):
-item (Quantity)
-Conspiracy Boxes (4)
-Journey to Nyx Box (1)
-Modern Event Deck (1)
-Duel Deck Anthology (1)
-7th Edition 2-player Starter Set (1)
-Battle the Horde challenge deck (1)
-Defeat a God challenge deck (1)Planeswalker Anthology Book (2)
-Loose boosters(Quantity): RTR(2),GTC(2),DGM(20),BNG(2),JTN(1),CNS(6),UNH(1),TOR(2),JUD(2),SCG(2),FEM(1),M14(2),M15(1),KTK(1),2000 Sampler Pack(1),MM2(3), ZEN(1), RAV(1), ALL(1), TMP(1)
Sealed Sleeve Packs:
-KMC Perfect Size (many available, ~$5 in trade/100 count pack)
-KMC Hyper Mat Red (many available, ~$4 in trade/40 count pack)
-KMC Mat Dark Blue (many available,~$4 in trade/40 count pack)
Unsealed complete product:
-Face the Hydra challenge deck (1)
-DCI Legend Membership Poker Deck with MTG Backs (1)
-Commander's Arsenal +/- tokens (20)
Playmats available for trade:
-Tarmogoyf Eternal Weekend 2013
-Deathrite Shaman Eternal Weekend 2015
-Eternal Weekend 2015 VIP playmat by Mark Poole (skeleton dragon)
-Dual Land Compilation from Eternal Extravaganza 3
I'm willing to trade by mail within the US with a $20 trade minimum or locally around Boston. I always send with tracking; I prefer you use tracking but do not require it as long as you are willing to abide by Deckbox rules regarding lost mail. On trades $200 or more, I prefer for both sides to purchase insurance when shipping and for you to have high feedback for simulsend or send first.
Anything on my tradelist is up for grabs. I'm mainly interested in foils and if you are looking downgrade your foils on my wishlist to the non-foil+value just ask, even if you don't see the non-foil in my tradelist, I likely have it.
Feel free to open trade requests. I'm also willing to pay by paypal for cards on my wishlist at a slight discount to tcgplayer low and recent ebay ending prices if you are a deckbox seller.
I can provide scans upon request.
If any of the following apply to you/our trade, I will need you to send first:
-you want delivery to a PO Box
-you have less than 5 feedback
-you have less than 100% non-negative feedback
-you have less than 10 feedback and our trade is >$50.
I collect a lot of sets, so please verify the edition your cards are from and language in trades.
I have the following sealed product for trade (I value most around tcgplayer mid for sealed price shipped in trade against deckbox prices):
-item (Quantity)
-Conspiracy Boxes (4)
-Journey to Nyx Box (1)
-Modern Event Deck (1)
-Duel Deck Anthology (1)
-7th Edition 2-player Starter Set (1)
-Battle the Horde challenge deck (1)
-Defeat a God challenge deck (1)Planeswalker Anthology Book (2)
-Loose boosters(Quantity): RTR(2),GTC(2),DGM(20),BNG(2),JTN(1),CNS(6),UNH(1),TOR(2),JUD(2),SCG(2),FEM(1),M14(2),M15(1),KTK(1),2000 Sampler Pack(1),MM2(3), ZEN(1), RAV(1), ALL(1), TMP(1)
Sealed Sleeve Packs:
-KMC Perfect Size (many available, ~$5 in trade/100 count pack)
-KMC Hyper Mat Red (many available, ~$4 in trade/40 count pack)
-KMC Mat Dark Blue (many available,~$4 in trade/40 count pack)
Unsealed complete product:
-Face the Hydra challenge deck (1)
-DCI Legend Membership Poker Deck with MTG Backs (1)
-Commander's Arsenal +/- tokens (20)
Playmats available for trade:
-Tarmogoyf Eternal Weekend 2013
-Deathrite Shaman Eternal Weekend 2015
-Eternal Weekend 2015 VIP playmat by Mark Poole (skeleton dragon)
-Dual Land Compilation from Eternal Extravaganza 3