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Jacob Retzlaff (beefsloth)
United States - Wisconsin - Oconomowoc
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Last seen online:
27-Jul-2015 01:43
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Reddit MTG Trades
User Bio
Been playing Magic the Gathering since I was little, though when I started in middle school I didn't really know how to play, just liked the art and ended up playing yugioh competitively until my sophomore year of HS when I quit collecting both. A good friend of mine got me back into Magic and taught me the rules to playing and trading right around the time M14/RTR block was starting. I have won 7 in house FNMs that average 25-35 people each week, I've hit top 8 numerous times and even got top 3 twice during Modern FNM with standard decks haha. I mainly play standard so I have tons of Return to Ravnica block cards for sale/trade. Anyways, hit me up on skype if you ever want to play! skype username is my email which is:
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