Ben Angel (benangel)
Premium User
- Location:
United States - West Virginia - Huntington
- Score:
56 (100%) -
56 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 28-Jul-2023 17:20
- Will trade cards:
- My Country
- Member of:
- Legacy Traders, Reddit MTG Trades

User Bio
I just started managing a physical collection again after many years away from the game. My work and family commitments prevent me from playing outside of Arena, so I see trading as a way to interact with the game in a non-digital way. Also, I love trading and collecting!
Current list is mostly focused on Modern and Pioneer, with the hope that I get to play a few IRL events this year. Willing to trade down and trade RL for non-RL if the deal is interesting enough.
Current list is mostly focused on Modern and Pioneer, with the hope that I get to play a few IRL events this year. Willing to trade down and trade RL for non-RL if the deal is interesting enough.