- MTG DECKS (144)
leg chaos edh
vin Copy of Uril
leg Copy of Uril
vin counterpunch
vin Devour for Power
vin Heavenly Inferno
vin Mirror Mastery
vin Political Puppets
vin rhys the redemned
vin sen triplets
leg slivers
vin Belcher
vin caw-blade
leg Dredge
leg food chain
leg Hive Mind
sta legacy ban list 1-4-12
leg ley the beats
leg omni tell
leg reanamatior
leg sneak and show
leg UW Stoneblade
mod Aggro Loam
mod artifact hate
mod Copy of SpecialSauce1
vin erayo tempered steel
extended round
leg hulk smash
leg Melira Pod
leg rg tron
mod Scapeshift
leg sunny side up
vin swathstrom
mod unburied gifts
mod unburied gifts 2.0
leg WU urzatron
vin Delver Pauper
leg griffin rider
leg Bring About the Undead Apocalypse
leg dragons
mod Ears of the Elves
leg elspeth
leg Garruk Wildspeaker
leg Golgari - Izzet Vs Golgari
leg graveborn
leg Izzet - Izzet vs. Golgari
leg Knights
leg Liliana Vess
leg phyrexia
leg Scorch the World with Dragonfire
leg Strike Force
leg tezzeret
leg The Coalition
leg Zombie Empire
sta Alliances
sta Antiquities
vin darksteel
mod 4 color reanmator
mod 4c midrange
mod black control
mod blue-black
mod burning snapcaster
mod Esper Control
vin green white humans
leg rgw wolf ramp
leg Rise and Shine
mod Solar Flare
mod tubro fog
mod u/b control
mod u/b Zombies
leg Wolf Run Ramp Hunt
vin showing eldrazi
mod aggro jund
leg alex
mod bant auras
leg black rose
mod blood fog
sta Boras
mod Boras Zada
mod budget Loam
mod bug control
leg bug standard
mod bug zombies
leg combo elves
vin Commander 2013: Eternal Bargain
vin Commander 2013: Evasive Maneuvers
vin Commander 2013: Mind Seize
vin Commander 2013: Nature of the Beast
vin Commander 2013: Power Hungry
vin Copy of *RETIRED Progenitus 25 Planeswalkers
mod Copy of artifact hate
vin Copy of Belcher, "Cheap"
vin Copy of Commander 2013: Eternal Bargain
vin Copy of Copy of Food Chain
mod Copy of Fishy
leg Copy of Hexproof Voltron
vin Copy of Izzet Blitz
mod Copy of jeskia combo
leg Copy of Kiln Fiend - Pauper
vin Copy of lgc_bgt_belcher
vin Copy of Modern Cloudstone Curio
vin Copy of Modern Cloudstone Curio
vin Copy of Modern Jund 2.0
mod Copy of New deck
leg Copy of pauper rats
mod Copy of RDW
mod Copy of Sovereigns of Found Conscription
leg Copy of U Control
vin Copy of Witchblade DC
leg elves
leg Fire and Lightning
mod gixis control
leg goblins
vin gravestorm
leg hive mind
mod investgate mill
mod jeskia combo
vin jund aggro
leg karona ally
vin kiki melira pod
vin kiki melira pod 2.0
leg kikki pod
leg koth
leg land
vin ley the beats vintage
mod modern combo elves
mod modern combo elves
mod modern elves
sta my uril edh
mod new edh
mod new rdw
sta pauper blue control
leg pauper rats
vin planeswalker
leg Populate Séance
mod red white moon walkers
leg shallow entomb
leg spirits within
leg tibat
sta tibat
leg u/w/r delver
sta ur edh
sta venser
mod zen land
jay blassingame (brolliussj)
- Location:
United States - Texas - Fort Worth
- Score:
89 (100%) -
89 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 02-Aug-2017 03:07
- Will trade cards:
- My Country
- Member of:
- DFW Mages, Reddit MTG Trades, evoGameZ MTG Events, evoGameZ MTG Events
User Bio
Willing to to any mail trades where the total valve is worth more then 5 dollars. I have no problem with junk trading to complete sets but higher dollar cards of mine I would like to trade for good lands or cards of value.
as far as common cards go if u need commons from me i have no problem trading them away but even though it shows that they are in my want list they r just place holders i don't need them if they are under .25 cents
if u have under 10+ feed back or any negative you need to send first.
i have lots of foils for trade and i use tcg player to do the value on all foil trades.
as far as common cards go if u need commons from me i have no problem trading them away but even though it shows that they are in my want list they r just place holders i don't need them if they are under .25 cents
if u have under 10+ feed back or any negative you need to send first.
i have lots of foils for trade and i use tcg player to do the value on all foil trades.