Ollie (butokk)
- Location:
- Australia - New South Wales - Sydney
- Score:
71 (100%)
59 0 0 12 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 18-Dec-2024 12:47
- Will trade cards:
- My Country
- Ships sold cards to:
- Australia
- Member of:
- MTG Trade HK, Foil Traders
User Bio
I am a casual player since 1995... quit for a few years and started playing AGAIN (why does that happen all the time?)
Quite active in terms of trading and I do send cards internationally.
I send cards in a bubbled envelope.
Trades above US$30, I will send with tracking as well (and I would expect the same in return). But of course, it is negotiable.
So send me trades, I am happy to review them and strike a deal :)
I am a casual player since 1995... quit for a few years and started playing AGAIN (why does that happen all the time?)
Quite active in terms of trading and I do send cards internationally.
I send cards in a bubbled envelope.
Trades above US$30, I will send with tracking as well (and I would expect the same in return). But of course, it is negotiable.
So send me trades, I am happy to review them and strike a deal :)
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