Jason G (buughost)
- Location:
- United States - Massachusetts - Boston
- Score:
370 (100%)
367 0 0 3 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 20-Dec-2024 19:30
- Will trade cards:
- My Country
- Ships sold cards to:
- United States
- Member of:
- Reddit MTG Trades, Corrib MTG, Legacy Traders, Foil Traders, MTG Market
User Bio
All my cards will be sent out in sleeves and toploaders unless their value is over $25
***TRADES OVER $25***
Will be sent in toploaders, in a padded envelope and tracking.
I expect the person I'm trading with to do the same.
All my cards will be sent out in sleeves and toploaders unless their value is over $25
***TRADES OVER $25***
Will be sent in toploaders, in a padded envelope and tracking.
I expect the person I'm trading with to do the same.
Sign up and log in to see what cards in your wishlist this user can trade with you.