releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Cabal Coffers (cabalcoffers)
Premium User
United States - California - Lancaster
76 (98%)  - 
Last seen online:
06-Mar-2025 19:28
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Ships sold cards to:
United States
Member of:
MTG Market
User Bio
I WILL NEVER TRADE FOR CARDS TOTALLING LESS THAN MINE. I only accept TCGPlayer market as the real price for high price items.

If you are trading a bunch of cheap cards for one of my expensive card, I expect at least 25% more in value from you for your cheaper cards. (want a $10 card from me for a bunch of your junk? I expect you to trade at least $12.50 on your end).

I am willing to help new traders out on trade of $5 and less. If you do not have at least 5 positive trades, your offer totaling over $5 will be not considered. No card offers worth over $100 without pictures please. I will never be interested in trading a card worth $30 or more for cheap cards.

If you offer a trade. You send first! Unless you have a huge feedback history.

I am really only interested in completing my 1994-1999 sets now. I'm also working on the LotR set. Although, I am always interested in cards from the reserve list and anything Alpha/Beta/Unlimited. Light play or better please.

I only trade alphas & betas for other alphas & betas.

I will ignore and cancel all trades offering a bunch of cheap cards for my expensive cards!

Air Force vet. I have been selling/trading MTG for since 2004. Please see my eBay/TCGPlayer accounts for my track record.

I have almost 6K positive feedback on TCGplayer and thousands of sales on Ebay!
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