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Please ask about condition if it is super important to you. Almost all cards went straight from pack to sleeve to binder with no play but I will provide pics.
I am willing to do smaller trades. Don't be afraid to make an offer even if you don't have anything on my want list (I am a sucker for Golgari).
Please do not take offense if I am very slow to respond, I am a new father and it is kicking my behind!
Please ask about condition if it is super important to you. Almost all cards went straight from pack to sleeve to binder with no play but I will provide pics.
I am willing to do smaller trades. Don't be afraid to make an offer even if you don't have anything on my want list (I am a sucker for Golgari).
Please do not take offense if I am very slow to respond, I am a new father and it is kicking my behind!
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