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Austin Cogell (candlejack289)
United States - Texas - Denton
33 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
13-Dec-2023 07:42
Will trade cards:
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Member of:
Reddit MTG Trades, MTG Market
This user has set their status to on vacation. You can not trade or buy cards from them until they come back. Feel free to check out their bio or send them an email to ask for details.
User Bio
I mostly play EDH, and I crack a bunch of packs because I'm hopelessly addicted to that new cardboard smell. I've put the heavy hitters on my tradelist, but be sure to take a look at the inventory as well. If you see something you're interested in, let me know! We might be able to work something out.

I always ship in padded envelopes with tracking. At this time, please no trades under $20.
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