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Dan B (cl0ckw0rk42)
United States - Hawaii - Honolulu
6 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
03-Aug-2014 04:14
Will trade cards:
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Member of:
Reddit MTG Trades
User Bio
Since I found out how to properly identify card conditions, I've made a conscious effort to appropriately label all my cards' qualities, as best as I could anyway, off of, so if you want me to take a picture and e-mail it that's not a problem.

For the majority of things slightly played and better will be fine. Anything below that I'd at least like to know, and will probably like to see a picture of.

If you see something you're interested in and it's not on my wishlist(which is rather sparse at the moment), throw out a trade anyways! Worst case scenario is a quick no and you're no worse off :)
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