ANDY 's profile
- MTG DECKS (86)
Modern Decks
No Longer Standard
mod Boss Sligh
mod Filibuster
mod Robots
mod Standard - Angels & Spirits
mod Standard - Esper-animator
mod Standard - Favorable Winds
mod Standard - Game Day Warriors Tribal
mod Standard - Gruul Aggro
vin Standard - Jund Control
mod Standard - Keyring
mod Standard - Lifegain
mod Standard - PT Bant Wolf Run
mod Standard - Servitude 2-Step
leg Standard - Strangleroot Heist
mod Standard - UW - Control
vin Standard - Wizards
mod Standard - XDefenders (Mill)
mod UR M15 Standard
vin UW Heroic
mod Vexing Slumber
Standard - EMN
Standard BFZ Block
mod BFZ - Game Day
Standard KTK Block
vin Artificials
mod Azban Counters
mod Azban Warriors
Stock Decks
vin AVR - Event - Humanity's Vengeance
mod BFZ - Event Deck
mod Born of the Gods Event Deck
vin Commander 2013 - Power Hungry (RBG)
vin Commander 2014 B
vin Commander 2014 G
vin Commander 2014 R
vin Commander 2014 U
vin Commander 2014 W
mod Dragons of Tarkir Event Deck: Landslide Charge
leg Duel Decks - (Blessed vs.) Cursed
mod Duel Decks - Blessed (vs. Cursed)
leg Duel Decks - Heroes
leg Duel Decks - Monsters
leg Duel Decks - Speed (vs Cunning)!
leg Duel Decks: (Elspeth vs.) Kiora
leg Duel Decks: (Jace vs) Vraska
leg Duel Decks: (Speed vs.) Cunning
leg Duel Decks: Elspeth (vs. Kiora)
leg Duel Decks: Jace (vs. Vraska)
vin FTF - Clash Pack - Power
mod FTF - Clash Pack - Profit
mod Khans of Tarkir Event Deck: Conquering Hordes
leg M13 - Event - Repeat Performance
leg M13 - Event - Repeat Performance
mod M13 - Intro - Depths of Power
mod M13 - Intro - Odric, Master Tactician
mod M13 - Intro - Wild Rush
mod M15 - Intro - Flames of the Dragon
mod Modern Event Deck - March of the Multitudes
mod Origins - Intro Pack - Hunting Pack
mod Rush of the Wild (Magic 2014 Event Deck)
mod Theros Event Deck: Inspiring Heroics
mod Worldwake - Intro - Brute Force
vin Brago
leg buylist
leg Legacy - Life Goes On - Ideal
mod Rush of the Wild - Modified
mod SCG - Worcester GR Monsters
mod SCG - Worcester UW Control
mod SCG -- Worcester RDW
mod Standard - Killing me softly
mod Standard - Mono W Humans
mod Standard - UR Thermo-Thing
mod Storm
mod UR standard
mod UW control
Andy (corvair64)
- Location:
United States - Texas - Austin
- Score:
0 (100%) -
0 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 18-Sep-2023 19:27
- Will trade cards:
- Local
- Member of:
- Greater Austin Area Magic, ATXMTG
User Bio
*UPDATE* 9/15/2015
Not doing much trading at the moment, though I may be interested in some modern staples.
Not doing much trading at the moment, though I may be interested in some modern staples.