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United States - Massachusetts - Northampton
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Last seen online:
04-Nov-2014 13:01
Will trade cards:
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User Bio
I am trading to build new decks and improve my current decks. I primarily play EDH. Generally, I'm not speculating on cards, I just want what I can use to play.

I'll mail trades of any value, but try to maximize the value of the shipping fees. To save money on shipping and making smaller trades possible, I ship most trades worth less than $20 in toploaders and sleeves in regular envelopes with some recycled paper as padding.

I don’t want to trade down. Please make sure you include high value cards in your offer if you want high value cards in return. 

I love sending cards, and I do everything in my power to get trades out the next mail day.

Paying it forward: If I get a bonus card in a trade I will send a bonus card in my next send.
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