- MTG DECKS (70)
vin Miller Time
leg The Pied Piper
leg Allies (EDH)
vin Animar
leg Animar - DaGrK EDH
vin Blackened (EDH)
vin Bruna - EDH
vin CounterPunch - Improved Recipe (EDH)
vin Devour for Power (EDH)
vin Godo (EDH)
vin Graveyard Fun (EDH)
vin Hermit (EDH)
vin Jhoira of the Ghitu (EDH)
vin Kaalia - EDH
vin Kiki-Jiki EDH
vin Momir Vig (EDH)
vin Omnath Elves (EDH)
vin One Progenitus to Bind Them All
vin Rafiq (EDH)
vin Sliver (EDH)
vin Slobad - EDH
vin Wizards (EDH)
leg BG Control
leg Dredge
leg Elves - Legacy
leg High Tide
leg MUD
leg Sneak and Show
vin Storm - Legacy
leg Tooth and Post
vin Welder MUD
Legacy 26.02.2012
The Source - Legacy budget decks
vin Copy of Charbelcher by Dustin Penn
leg Copy of Land Recycling
vin Copy of Pox 21
vin Copy of R Goblin Storm
vin Copy of U/G Turbo Eldrazi
leg Don't Spend It All
leg Eggs
leg LEGACY - Mono-White Control
leg Legacy Aura Combo - DaGrK
leg Pox - Legacy
leg RelentlessRats
leg TorporAbuse
leg URG - Fun
leg Bad 2HG
leg CofferPain (2HG)
mod GameOfThrones
leg Stuffy Doll
vin Sword of the Meek
vin UGW ManaRamp
leg Zombies (2HG)
Under Construction
vin 5 Color - Fun
vin Crucible
vin EDH - Slivers
leg Into the Arena
mod MODERN - Knights
vin Rats (EDH)
vin Slivers - EDH
leg Turbo Eldrazi Fun
vin Alara Lands - EDH
vin Animar - Artifact
vin Copy of Borborygmos Enraged
leg Copy of Leg Solidarity
vin Copy of Tin Fins (4/14)
vin Copy of Turbo Eldrazi
vin Mind Seize - Commander 2013
vin Reanimator
leg Salg
vin Triggers and drawbacks
Dag Rune Kvittem (dagrk)
- Location:
Norway - Sor-Trondelag - Trondheim
- Score:
50 (100%) -
50 1 0
- Last seen online:
- 21-Apr-2018 17:56
- Will trade cards:
- Worldwide
- Member of:
- Trondheim Magic, The European MTG League, Reddit MTG Trades
User Bio
Feel free to submit trades. I will not trade worldwide if the trade is under 20$.
If you have lower trade score than me, I expect you to send cards first. If we are about the same, we send at the same time. If you have higher trade score, I send first.
If you have lower trade score than me, I expect you to send cards first. If we are about the same, we send at the same time. If you have higher trade score, I send first.