ZACH 's profile
- MTG DECKS (76)
Decks from Collection
vin [360] Powered cube
mod Burn with the Gobbos
leg Duel Deck Ajani
leg Duel Deck: Nicol Bolas
leg Elspeth Duel Deck
leg Golgari Duel Deck
leg Graveborn
leg Izzet Duel Deck
leg Koth's duel deck
mod Life and Liberty
vin Mirror Mastery [Commander]
sta Proxy Cube
mod RG Wolfs
leg Tezzeret Duel Deck
mod TurboDefender
mod UWR combo
leg Venser's duel deck
mod Zombie tokens
EDH - Commander
vin [670] Commander Cube
vin Angels EDH WIP
vin Azami, Lady of Scrolls EDH
leg Copy of Reaper King
vin Copy of Sharuum EDH new
leg Crosis EDH
vin Garza Zol Artifact EDH
vin Kaalia EDH
vin Merieke Artifact EDH
leg missing cards to EDH cube (noproxies)
vin Omnath EDH 1
vin R/B/U Zombie EDH WIP
vin Ramirez EDH
leg Riku EDH
vin True Omnath EDH
vin True Riku EDH
vin True Sharuum EDH
leg [360] Powered Cube missing
vin Ban-less EDH deck
vin BUG Self Mill
mod BW Tokens by Eric Kreiter)
vin Cards I have [670] Commander Cube
leg Chaos Reigns
mod Copy of Tim Esper
mod Copy of venserett
vin Copy of Wings of Fury
mod Curse You
mod Dark Sacrifice Intro Pack
mod David Caplan's 2011 Worlds
mod Death, Where is Your Sting?
leg DKA U/R Snapback
mod Esper Control
mod Esper Spirits
mod Gob RDW Actual
mod Grixis
sta H.G's Cube
mod Monstrous Surprise Intro Pack
vin MTG Trade/Sale Binder
mod Ravaging Swarm
mod Self-mill Deck
vin Sharuum EDH
sta Sorin Zombies
mod Spirit Control
mod spirit reanimator
vin ssisal test
leg Taste the Rainbow
leg Thromok EDH
vin Thromok WIP 1
mod Trostani EDH
leg U/R Snapcaster
mod U/W/b Control
mod U/w/G Control
mod UB Control by PVDR
mod Undying Rage
leg UW - Control
mod Venser Standard
mod Zombie/vamps
leg Zur EDH
Zach (dankdarko)
- Location:
United States - Illinois - Carol Stream
- Score:
0 (100%) -
0 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 17-Sep-2016 00:04
- Will trade cards:
- Local
- Member of:
- Reddit MTG Trades
User Bio
Willing to trade anything from the MTG Dump List for Pokemon TCG or Cash. Must be local to the Chicago land area.