releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Jake (darius240)
United States - Minnesota - Northfield
20 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
21-Mar-2014 05:54
Will trade cards:
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Reddit MTG Trades
User Bio

I'm mostly a standard player that dabbles from time to time in modern, but I'm looking to get deeper into modern, and, as such, need a bunch of really expensive stuff.  I trade across all formats, and I usually use TCG mid values. 

I do collect Coldsnap cards, if you have any you just want to get rid of, send them along and I'll gladly take them off of your hands!

Thanks for looking!

I ship in toploaders with sleeves, usually with a bubble mailer if there's more than one card involved, but I'll use an envelope if it's one or two cards to ease up on shipping costs.

1x Chandra Nalaar- JvC Japanese
1x Obstinate Baloth- Japanese
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