releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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David Zhang (dyzzy)
United States - Maryland - Bethesda
87 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
12-Nov-2014 05:32
Will trade cards:
My Country
Member of:
Reddit MTG Trades, DC Metro Area MTG, Legacy Traders, MTG Market
User Bio
In addition to the cards I have listed, let me know if you're looking for foreign commons/uncommons from following sets:
Japanese Onslaught
Japanese Worldwake
Japanese Rise of the Eldrazi
Japanese New Phyrexia
Japanese Conspiracy
Russian New Phyrexia
Russian Dragon's Maze
Russian Born of the Gods
Russian Journey Into Nyx
Korean Dragon's Maze
Korean Theros
Korean Born of the Gods
Korean Journey Into Nyx

I collect foil Reckless Waifs and foil Orzhov cards as throw-ins (unless, of course, if it's an expensive card).

If I marked a card with a specific language in my wishlist, I am ONLY looking for copies in that language.

Always interested in Legacy staples or Korean/Japanese Legacy/EDH cards.

Default shipping:
Plain white envelope if total value is under $25.
Bubble mailer + DC if total value is $25 or more.
You are free to request other shipping options.
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